All participants are welcome to submit short articles which will be in conference proceedings. Papers should be at least 2 pages, but we recommend 15+ pages, including references in the LNCS. The authors should follow LNCS authors’ guidelines, please find more information here. Authors should use LNCS proceedings templates, available for LaTeX (also available in Overleaf) and Word. Authors should include their ORCIDs in their articles Springer strongly advises that authors include their ORCIDs in their papers. Moreover, the corresponding author for each paper, act on behalf of  all co-authors, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The author who signs the copyright form must match the corresponding author in the paper.


September 30th (23:59 PT), 2023: Summary paper submission deadline.

October 10th, 2023: Paper acceptance notification

October 20th, 2023: Modified paper submission deadline. 

October 20th - 29th, 2023: Paper review phase.